Investing in new EPS applicators at Vizor site in Port Talbot

We have invested in two new Lucite powder machines at Vizor our site in Port Talbot, this has had a significant impact on reducing the amount of plastic film waste that we had by 56 tons a year! This has also enabled us to cut down on the amount of plastic film bought in each year by 66 tons. We are continually looking at improving and investing in innovative technologies to improve our carbon footprint.

Meet Lukasz Matlingiewicz our Engineering Director. Lukasz has been working on a Co2 reduction program at all our six sites.

“Khaled Elleboudy, Managing Director, and I have committed to reducing waste, looking at the next generation of transport and finding solutions that reduce emissions without requiring substantial changes to current production processes by scaling up new innovations at our sites.

We have completed several projects over the last year where we have significantly reduced our carbon footprint and the production of waste, we have installed new Ecoplast applicators at our site in Port Talbot which has reduced our plastic waste by 56 tons a year.

We have replaced old storage heaters with highly efficient low energy ratings air condition units in our office areas.

In our production areas we have altered our production lines and modified our pneumatic systems to lower pressure to reduce the energy consumption. Saving on energy up to 7% per compressor/per site.

Purchased/leased brand new 16 EV company vehicles (hybrid cars) which have a significant effect in reducing CO2 emissions.

These are just a few examples of what we have been working on during 2021/2022.

We are continually investing in new sustainable technologies and processes to achieve our goal of reducing our CO2 emission, reducing waste, and saving energy.”